viernes, 9 de febrero de 2018

Night of cake and puppets by Laini Taylor

For being completely honest??? I actually feel like…if I were in love (and I seriously think that was the point of everything, right?) I’m amazed...didn’t know there was a way to express the actual falling in love in a written word and in one of their most purest ways. I’ve read a lot of books, but none of them have gave me that perfect description of the feeling…of how a lil girl growing up at her own accord goes slowly falling in love

I'm really trying to order my feeling and emotions right here…the whole book I’ve been like :

 Beginning….ok? aha..what’s next….no wonder …acceptable ..yeah


Getting to the end? Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on…!

 Final?... ❤❤❤

"And… all my life I’ve been this tower standing at the edge of the ocean for some obscure purpose, and only now, almost eighteen years in, has someone flip the switch that reveals that I’m not a a tower at all. I’m a lighthouse. It’s like waking up. I am incandescent. "

I can totally say now ( as if I weren’t before) that I’m a totally believer now, not an optimistic person but rather a crazy one that believes that anything good or bad can happen in this world, and this book have gave me one of the most craziest and strongest warming hugs I’ve ever had before …coming from a book…at least not in a long time .

 I’ve been apart from book world in a while but this book not only strongly welcomes me to come back, but rather to even bring more people with me in the process…and I’m so trying to do it ..and let’s just say that this book goes really deep in my heart. 

Zuze is attracted to Mik…Mik is attracted to Zuze…none of them in control of their own actions in front of the other, letting time pass without they never even talking or lets say..even recognizing the very existence of the other

So one day both decide to change that…but Zuze puts way more effort in it…planning a whole treasure-hunt-night in order for them to finally meet. But not quite an ordinary treasure hunt but a magical one one that soon will be an unforgettable one for both of them…and me.

 Loved it

martes, 6 de febrero de 2018

The Cell by Stephen King

Ok, let´s start saying…WHAT THE HELLLLLL??? I mean I wanted to read this book because I’ve already watched the movie, so I was curious then for xmas a couple of friends gave it to me; so I start to reading it.. it was quite boring at the beginning (boring, I mean, for somenone that is not all into the horror and psychological genre ) besides its narrative was too slow as well… just like

Yeah! Not too much into zombies but quite curious after the movie..which I HAVE TO SAY it´s NOT like the book at all. The book made me go like this at the end

While the movie makes me go like:

So yeah..there you go..both things are completely different. PLOT So a normal day, everyone was minding their own business just when out of the blue a weird noise came out of every single cell on earth, turning every single being in some sort of

Just that they were going a bit like

At the beginning and then ..they started to change…going back to…

Plus the faculties of …

Oh and …

Yup.. telepathy And they were all moving like

Herds….they might also consider themselves like birds XD because every single step was always in group.


 He’s the hero of our adventure ..a very stubborn hero, nevertheless, but hero still. His main solid and only core was his son.. the thought of finally finding him, no matter if he was one more of them , was his everything. So he goes by every single mean he finds possible in order to get to him. He is one the very few people that weren’t turned into zombie by the pulse and as he continues his travesty he finds some more survivors that joined him in his journey to find Johny…no matter at the end if he woulg get there with them or without them. So at the end?? We kinda find a good ending but..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…Stephen King had to go and leave with an open ending which does not happen in the movie not the I like the end of the movie either, though but come on!!!! Why r u doing this to us’??? that’s the very horror of this book itself!

For being the first book of King that I’ve real I would say that was a bit…

But I did like it the comparison with the computers….quite interesting plot but honestly? I’ve expected way more than this