miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Review: Badger

Badger Badger by C.M. McKenna
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“All the best villains are actually heroes, if you look at them from the right angle,”

So, the guy was a version of Kick Ass but he actually did some justicfe without the need to actully hit someone, though, but he did get himself in troubles with law, but for entire light reasons.

And Adrian, given a recovering adict she was, found herself completely attracted to him, so much that she got herLois Lane complez and got to meet him.
But what can happen when a little avenger meets a recovering addict
Some fucked up serious issues?
A passionate chaos goes free
, That's what happens

A New Design

And for both of them being persons that needed a hand in this cruel world that turned them into monster that either of them wanted to be, both of them found their peace in each other.

A New Design

And now tryiing to deepen even more their so called relationship

A New Design

remember the fucked up sex? well..it WAS!

And when there's no trust that can make you feel safe...that rainbow it's just gonna fall down.

A New Design

A beautiful story about people, that in words of Badger are a scream for help. Two persons so broken, that they don't know what to do with the light that is given to them. nothing but...

A New Design


what the hell ?!!
I wasn't expecting that ending at all!
yeah this is me right now, but rather going to my next book so I don't get all tragic thinking about what just happened.

love the plot, it make me remember a bit just a tiny bit of The Matriarch: An Erotic Superhero Romance, with all the concept of the city hero and such.
The issues here are plaussible so no fiction there, just really two broken lives coming together to finally belong to something bigger than both of them and just completing each other.

Full review to come...might be a bit long.

View all my reviews

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