miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Review: Barbarian’s Mate

Barbarian’s Mate Barbarian’s Mate by Ruby Dixon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is #6 in the whole story if I'm not mistaken, and if you haven't read none of them, you'll need to know that here everything is about resonance which is the version of alien-mating season; with the difference that you can only mate to one single person and it will only happen if both of the involved ones are able to procreate, meaning: no problem with their reproduction systems.

Now that we've cleared that one...

We have Jossie who is the last single human female left. She hasn't resonate yet 'cause she has a contraception dispositive on her, so until that thing is out of her, she won't be able to resonate to anyone.

So as she is the last one of the human girls to mate...she is like the big NANNY to all her friend's children and also she is like the female version oh HAPPY the dwarf.

And we have Haeden that if Jossie is the Happy dwarf he is GRUMPY the dwarfto the whole tribe.

Now for some miraculous magic, Jossie's dispositive falls out and suddenly she starts to resonate and looking around as crazy...she resonates to....GRUMPY

And here, what happens...
A New Design

Yep! exactly that!
But as she is so reluctant to be with him, she'll rather die and kill Haeden with her, of course not on purpose in order to never BE with him. But ev en if that is what she wants, the resonance won't put it so easy, remember? MATING SEASON SO...

So, in order to make her wish come true, they're about to start a journey in which they'll find out each other truth.

”You and me. I just looked at your smile and realized that you’ve been sad for far too long. Me, too. I think I’ve been sad and lonely for a long time. And I’m not sad anymore.”

And that would open the doors to...
A New Design

And after more than one struggle, given that making GRUMPY more ....affable?, she'll have to play well all her cards, 'cause he is like a hot version of a virgin and a neanderthal, yep! all in one sexy package. And with a liking to do actions rather to use words, but when he does uses words...OMG!*sigh*
A New Design

So me at the end?

Yeah! that's me.
Can't wait to the next book!!!!!


full review to come!!!!
Love it since the 60% on. And the previous 40%? well was kind of acceptable I guess.
Love Haeden! who would say?!
Review on its way!

View all my reviews

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