miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Review: This is War, Baby

This is War, Baby This is War, Baby by K. Webster
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A New Design

3.8 stars

I liked the themes the author develops in here, we have from sex slavery to an extreme OCD among other things and in the middle of it... there's this girl that comes to discover her sexuality and finding out that she's not into sweet vanilla... oh nope!

So she goes to be having her first innocent steps with her high school boyfriend ( yeah she's in high school) and then. has guidance from an expert, now if that is willing? no, not at all is more like a kidnapping in process, though.

A New Design

And of course prince charming here's gonna have to wait his turn and in order to be finally with her...he'll have to face the dragon and the demons as in any other tale...but here? those demons? those reside in him! and the dragon will be always preying on both of them...until he or she can finally destroy him.

A New Design

So as in all the fairy tales we've read since little girls, princess always falls in love with prince charming. But this prince was driving me nuts 'cause he wanted her, but wouldn't allow himself to do it...now his subconscious? that's a different story.

A New Design

And the dragon always lurking in the darkness? well this dragon happens to have a thing for hiss reclusive and in some sort of twisted way he's in love with her and dreams to have her as his lovely and loyal wife, so in HIS mind he has to go save her from all the horrors from this world...but what he doesn't count is....well: HER

A New Design

If you ask me, The first part of the book had me a bit bored, then mad and finally seeing some light way to sudden for seeing light that left me quite unconfortable, 'cause I'd love seeing more struggle from War's part in order to finally be with his lovely peace...but did that happen? NO, he just swalow a pill mix it with wine and that was it...he's HEALED! duh!

So besides that? there's no more things I can actually complain and I'm dying to get into the next book to see how dear War will do honor to his name no matter his condition, or rather Bay would actually do it all by herself.

Also what's with her parents huh?
don't tell me, they already knew what Gabe would do since a long time ago!
mmmmmm I just forgotten that part!
Getting into the second ASAP
The 60% of the book , so in other words the part related to GABE was kind of...boring, yeah I think I've read too much of dark 'cause what he did 2 her was noting shocking to me so basically that was the reason of my delay. I was trying to get myself more interested in the development of the second part, AKA:WAR.

WAR, also started a bit low, but way too interesting for leave it hanging anf I would have loved have seen a bit more of struggling from him in order to touch her 'cause when the moment actually came, he only got to knoch kimself out and drugged a bit...so? of course there was not gonna be any resistance from his part! duh!

I don't know I was waiting a bit more of ...shocking crazy stuffs...except but War's past....nothing else shocked me. But it was a nice book nevertheless....but I wouldn't go with the warning that this is such a dark book that you will be needing a flaslight in order to find your way back or something like that. NOPE, NOT AT ALL!

Anyway , it was nice and I'm having high expectations about how a person with so many issues like War is gonna be able to get her back...He won't miraculously throw everything in order to get her, right? I mean I'd love to, but more struggling for him...yeah?!

Full rev on its way.

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