viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

Review: Target on Our Backs

Target on Our Backs Target on Our Backs by J.M. Darhower
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A New Design

While doing the review, the book made me remember how much it made me laugh! Oh dear God the author messes with One Direction , which BTW I totally agree with Naz about them this was too funny as the first one, I’d dare to say that was funnier than the first one actually XD.

I mean :

"Karissa, baby, I love you. You know that. But do you honestly think, if I hadn't had other reasons, I would've even given you a second look?"
I blanch. "Ouch."

WTF?!Seriously? yeah we get it,you’re prince charming in shining armor and every girl fantasy but …come on!


"Don't act like that's anything more than it is. You're beautiful and wise beyond your years. But I'm pushing forty here, sweetheart. It wouldn't have even crossed my mind to pursue you. You're everything I'm not. Everything I'll probably never be. And just the simple fact that you honestly think it's possible for me to make friends in this city, after the things I've been involved in, proves what I'm saying."

Oh!! Okay I think I LOVE YOU even more if that’s possible.


GOSHHHHHHH! How the fuck can’t I love this man?!

"I haven't," I say. "But then again, I don't make a habit of ordering ice cream with my dinner."

"You should. You don't know what you're missing." She grabs another fry and dips it into her Frosty before holding it out to me. "Here, try it."

My natural instinct is to deny her, not because I think it might be tampered with, but because it frankly sounds disgusting. But I'm turning over a new leaf here, and I've already ended up at a fast food restaurant with my wife in her pajamas.

Why not humor her?

See ? for any guy that is reading this: WHY NOT HUMOR US?! Ha!!! You might get lucky after! XP

All this skipping class can't be good for your grades," he says. "So I guess we'll see if it's a problem when report cards come in."

I laugh at that. "What are you going to do, ground me?"
"No, but I might spank you."


He stares at me.


Oh dear!!! I seriously considering taking older guys offers after this, older as in 10 years difference as top XD

"I married you, so it's sort of your job to give me a hard time."


I’m totally giving this book to my future hubby when he’s about to write his vows. REALLY! XD

Now let's not forget about the actual story yeah?
so the issues now they'll have to face as a couple?

A New Design

besides Naz as a hubby?

"He's good looking… like, really good looking. I'm talking cover of GQ kind of good looking. It's like, wow…"

"If you're trying to get me to kill him, all you have to do is ask."

Gasping, I elbow Naz. "Not funny. I would never. I'm just saying…

Naz is jealousssssssssssssss! Love it !

Remember that we're talking about THIS Naz:

A New Design

Among a lot of difficulties and hardhips...they'd always remain together, they're each other's half after all. XD

A New Design

Love that was told by both POV, loved the plot even thought it could have gone a bot more ... Of action , maybe .
The tears were there just right in the rim of my eyes but, barely for a few seconds but they never got out, sooooo this was nice, sweet, passionate so dark I think, but those dialogues...gosh!
Full rev to come! Liked it very much
BR, with mu fabulous girls: Hulya and Ana!
See? A bit slow due to work but finishing it nonetheless! Hehehe
Love ya girls! Xxo

View all my reviews

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