jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

Review: Blood & Thunder (THIRDS, #2)

Blood & Thunder (THIRDS, #2)Blood & Thunder by Charlie Cochet
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
This one is been a hell of a ride so far, It took me from being emotional to laughing as crazy, to awing, to harboring murder desires; as well as wanting to knock some sense inside that fucking tough skull inside Sloane's head.
All of that enveloped in a interesting background of full action, and yeah! some hot scenes as well, not as much as I'd love to read, but nevertheless.
This one is focus on Sloane and Dex relationship, ( also we get to see a huge glimpse of the other male member relationships[ And I'm with Cael on this, Ash is definitely not totally allergic to nuts when it concerns him!])
And I'm also glad to say that I didn't skip any paragraph of this one, 'cause the descriptions weren't long this time or at least they were long enough but kept giving us some info about the action going on in that moment. At least!

I was like this the whole time:

The book focus mainly in Dex and Sloane relationship, since the training with your therian partner on the HQ, where Sloane was mainly a big grumpy cat claiming his beloved Dex,

to they sneaking around trying to do some naughty things inside work's schedule ( hey! they needed a break ! leave them alone!)

To the spending time going crazy with their friends ( Cone on ! I'm totally using that "Fuck.Marry.Kill- game" in my next drinks night)Threat Level : Fuchsia, ladies and gentlemen, Fuchsia!!!

their action time on field, where I have to say , he was pissed because he almost loose Dex 'cause he desobeyed his direct orders, that's it. The fear to loose him, which lead to have feelings fr him, feeling that were meant to be something more, that he was afraid of to admit that was lla the thing, i still can't believe he was about to do some legal action for that!!! what an ass!
Then , finally after two book I get to understand what was the big fuss about Sloane's past, which is not a big deal at all! I was expecting quite something more outrageous ( I'm pretty sure everyone else have read worse than that) but as Dex said it wasn't Sloane's fault at all, he was just a frightened kid, no one could blame him for that, even though is sad... but it was not his fault.
Okay, going emotional over there XD
Pearce??? that guy was seriosuly crazy ! what in the world would make him believe that he still had a chance with Dex??!! hello!! he almost killed him!!I thought I was still gonna keep reading about him on the next books, but looks like the story got another twists in th future to make it more interesting.
Now about the guys, I might be crazy ,but when they're all in crazy fun mode, I kept visualizing them like this:

This is Sloane, separating Dex and Ash heheh

And this is my sweet annoying crazy Dex.

Looks like Hudson sneaked around XD

And this, boys and girls, is my version of the Waking death


The world might go to shit tomorrow, but tonight, while he had Dex in his arms, everything was as it should be. Dex was right; they had been through a lot. In the end wether that would hurt their relationshio or strenghten it, who knew, but at least they were inthis together. From here on out, Sloane knew whatever happened, his partner had his trust, his back, and more importantly, his heart.


I want my own therian!

wait! that's Hobbs, right? XP

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