lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016


Funny and catchy name right? 
Well... You better be excited about what this is about, 'cause I certainly AM.

Why don't let the circus presents itself huh?

Think of this as a giant gathering of Authors and fans. We are here to share books, reviews, covers, and the work of people that deserve recognition for the amazing work that they do.....  where new authors can come along and get a crowd that is already established so that they can get the head start that they deserve......Everybody in this group wins, if you are an author you get to promote to a giant crowd who might not usually read your work and if you are a reader/blogger/reviewer then you get the chance to be the first to get to know the authors ....... oh I almost forgot WELCOME TO THE CIRCUS

So yeah ! This is what the Circus is about, so you are all warned!! if you are looking to get closer to the authors and great choices to read or if you ARE a new author then come and pay us a visit that you will never forget.

All of you are WELCOME!!!

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