martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Review: Panty Whisperer: The Complete Series

Panty Whisperer: The Complete Series Panty Whisperer: The Complete Series by Sloane Howell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I’m not even sure if this is gonna be a long review or not…so bare with me , ok? XD
Now let’s see, I’ve already told u that I only give a 5 star rating to those stories that have made me go through more than just one emotion and even if this book appears to be just silly crazy hot as hell erotica …let me tell you for once and for all… that is NOT JUST THAT

This book has made me laugh about a lot of things that I never even imagine like.. come on.. There’s a hot scene compared to a lot of SW things in here for God’s sake! LOL

So yeah ! you have already see some of my revs for THE WHISPERERso… you all know at this point that you will be gasping by the end of the First chapter but hold it just righ there… ‘cause seriously ladies.. you’re in for a treat! and a good amount of LOL and if you’re like me, that for some reason I’m on the emotional state lately…you might shed a tear or two.

So…let this show roll

Oh dear, dear Joel AKA The Panty Whisperer or the best name it suits him: The Young Padawan yeah…u see? The author has a a huge crush on SW but who doesn’t nowadays? XD

So Joel, why don’t u introduce yourself? (And that was NOT in double sense young man!!)


Yeah that was his very Motto spreading love like prince charming himself, and doing his community service and good action of the day. Right?

So the very first chapters….you better get all what u need before to getting into the book‘cause you’re gonna end up like this :


And also I better let u know that there’s gonna be a few …


Yep!!! I mean, come on!!


So yeahh…. Prepare yourself to some of this:



Ok! Now that we have stablished Joel’s tendencies ;let’s just left clear that he’s not always gonna get his way! no of course not!! Unless until he meets Quinn


A passionate woman & such a good friend, that no matter how strong her temper is…she’s really not good at choosing friends… so she will end up in a crossroad ‘cause of a silly shallow doll… and dear Quinn here will have to play her best in order to not just give in to Joel’s charm


While Joel has only one target set in his mind…

But that is not gonna be an easy task for him
He will really have to PLAY NICE to get what he wants this time.


And let’s not forget that all this story will be sprinkled with a lot of funny moments … courtesy of Tommy boy here or as he just pronounced himself: Obi-Tom Kenobi

"Yes motherfucker. Do you know nothing about women? Or have you always just left after the first night?" A huge smile spreads across his smug face. "Oh shit, rook. You've never really done this before. You're not the whisperer. You're the padawan.”

“Well, get out of the car and whisper to the goddamn battery. I thought you knew shit about cars."

“No. No. I'm late."
"Jaysus woman! I've told you not to say that to a man. It freaks them the fuck out. It's right there with 'Can you see my dick hanging out of this skirt?”

So summing up if you’re into good hot scenes that will leave u gasping & LOL times that will risk u shedding a tear …this is definitely for you!!

View all my reviews

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