viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

TEASER: Dangerous Games

Remember me going crazy about a great book a few weeks ago call RUN...well it was because it actually IS a great book, I think the reader can easily get lost in time in the first half of the book...I know it happened to me.
But well here I give you a teaser of her new book ... soon to come:

 by S.E. Chardou


"Oh, how I despise my mother, let me count the ways..."

Evie is filthy rich, bored and lonely. A summer in Boston seems like a great idea, especially since she will get to hook up with her bad boy, true love, Finn.

However, her mother has other plans for her. For this, she will be taking her revenge by using the man her mother has married. A French model, only ten years her senior can't possibly be in love with a woman who is well past her prime.

Evie is playing a dangerous game and she knows it but will she come out on top in a scenario where there will be no winners and losers, only broken hearts?


Evie placed her perfectly manicured hands on his face, and pulled him in for a kiss. It started off soft and breezy but the moment his tongue pushed between her butter-soft lips, their kiss turned passionate. She was the first to pull away and end their lip-lock. “I know you are ready, baby. This is my way of telling you I am not ready yet. I don’t know what I am doing in college, and my mother is head over heels with a man who is barely ten years older than me come next week.” “How is your mother’s love life your issue unless you are attracted to your soon-to-be stepfather. Is this the case?” he inquired though he didn’t really want an answer to this question because he was scared the answer would be something he wouldn’t want to hear. “Um, no, I’m not.” Evie stared at him before she licked her lips suggestively and that movement instantly made his cock twitch. “I don’t even know the fucking guy—I’ve never met him. That’s not why. It doesn’t have anything to do with me having to sow any wild oats either. You’re the one for me—I know that—but why can’t we just be committed for a while before we decide to get married. At least wait until I am old enough to drink so I can consume champagne or a cocktail at my own wedding?” Finn pulled her closer to him and caressed her silky hair. “I am so scared I will lose you and I…am willing to do anything for that not to happen. You shouldn’t have come back here, babe. You should have stayed away because this place is gonna bring you nothing but pain. Me, included. I don’t wanna go steady with you. I want a real commitment, Evie.” 

About the Author:
S.E. Chardou

Freaky, kinky, unconventional.
Fascinated with the unique and underexplored, psychologically obsessed with the human psyche, and stories that can be both romantic but push the buttons past a reader’s comfort zone. “I want readers to think, and if any part of my story is left with them after they finish one of my novels, or novellas then I have done my job.”
The worst rating SE Chardou can think of a reader giving her is “Meh.” Love her novels or hate them but at least she has had the satisfaction of knowing she made a reader feel something—anything other than numb—while they were reading her books.
SE Chardou enjoys living right next door to Hell, also known as the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area, which is pretty toasty especially in the late spring, all of summer and early autumn. She has two daughters who are six and a half years apart so beside author, she also works as referee, counselor, part-time maid and taxi driver.
An avid reader herself, she enjoys big five published authors, hybrid authors like herself, and indie authors. She daydreams a lot about what her next book will be about, and brushes up on her very rusty French at least a few times a week.
The book is free on KU or priced ay $2.99

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