jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

Review: Hell & High Water (THIRDS, #1)

Hell & High Water (THIRDS, #1)Hell & High Water by Charlie Cochet
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

F*ck that was awesome!
hahaha looks like I'm embracing my passion for action or something like that! I was never a fan of cliffhangers, because really, I'm not that patient; but given that the next books are already published I guess I can take it.
Really I was a huge tremendous big fan of Fury(the whole series), wait did I say "was"? AM , I AM a huge tremendous big fan of the whole NSO series; and I just can't stop myself to see some similitudes between that serie and apparently this one, but I'm not looking forward to say more, 'cause I haven't read this whole series yet! But yeah ! at least from this first one ... I can totally say there are a few similitudes:
* Both happen to have a whole new serie of humans, whose DNA is mixed with animals.
* Both species are being rejected by human pricks.
* Both species have their own organizations to protect themselves with.
* Both books are military stories, so they have their very own Die Hard version story to tell.
* And yeah both of they have tons of great hot sex ( well NSO goes winning by a big ammount if I'm concerning only to the first books of each series)
* And both have these

ehhrr... hot guys in them (those are Sloane and Cael BTW. XD)

So yeah... those are the most obvious I can come up with, and I can tell that I'm really into books with that kind of characteristics in them.
So, some differences if you ask me? well this one is more lighted and funnier than NSO ( they got funnier past the first 3 books, but nothing close to what I've read in the first one of THIRDS ) and also the NSO narrative doesn't get too heavy on descriptions, they're more like jumping straight into action ( in every meaning of the word), so the reader doesn't have to want to skip some whole paragraps about cars, houses, workshops or even streets XD no offense there.

Now that I got that out. Let me say this: I don't see how Dex is weird or different or anything related at all, he's just a happy guy that wants to squeeze all the juice he can get of the life. I admit that he has some weird tastes concerning music and gifts wrapping paper... but beyond that?....Nahhhh! So why all the guys picked up on him ? only because is happy? ... tha's is f*cking unfair!... you know there are some persons out there that the only wrinkles they wanna have on their faces are from smiling and not from frowning, people!!! so get over it !! if you are not one of those and want to waste time bitching about everything that doesn't go your way , fine ! that's up to you! but don't try to drag the rest with you !!! (yeah ! that's for you Sloane)
Now lets see, I'm pretty much sure that inside of that team are at least two more realtionships to come, and a big scary lion switching teams as well.
Not as hot as I suspected(NSO winning there), but it did had a few good ones.
I'm sorry but for some reason that I'm gonna totally blame Dex for, I couldn't stop myself from picturing some of them ( mainly Sloane and Ash ) like this:

The story is basicallyy a military one, the whole book goes through the development of murder case and we as readers, happen to jump and get along in the ride with them, finding some little secrets here and there, and some feelings coming out as well.
As I said the whole thing is a huge action movie in slow motion going on in your head, with some pent up sexual tension, and a few releases on the way. And huge fix of humor! , Yeah ! that's the more acurate definition I can come up with.
About Dex.. I think the more times he had made me laugh were when he was pissing off Ash, and smile when he was driving crazy Sloane, and that time with the Yogui Bear and the cheesy doodles(I'm not fond of them, but totally get it... take some Pringles out of my hand and I go feral as well(believe me , that happened more than once since I was a kid))
Sloane...well I fraimed him like the tough bitchy guy, but after the first chapters and after coming to know more about him, I couldn't totally dislike him. And after the breakfast incident

I was already like:

over him.

The squad? loved it And seriously I hope in the next books I get to see some love for Ash( which something tells me he is not entirely allergic to nuts) and Hobbs.

NO big quotes for this one, besides the ones that already made me laugh.
All and all, great reading.

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