viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015

Review: Of Triton (The Syrena Legacy, #2) by Anna Banks

Emma has just learned that her mother is a long-lost Poseidon princess, and now struggles with an identity crisis: As a Half-Breed, she’s a freak in the human world and an abomination in the Syrena realm below. Syrena law states that all Half-Breeds should be put to death. As if that’s not bad enough, her mother’s reappearance among the Syrena turns the two kingdoms—Poseidon and Triton—against one another. Which leaves Emma with a decision to make: Should she comply with Galen’s request to keep herself safe and just hope for the best? Or should she risk it all and reveal herself—and her Gift—to save a people she’s never known? Once again, Anna Banks infuses Emma and Galen's points of view with humor, intrigue, and waves of romance.
MY REVIEW Of Triton (The Syrena Legacy, #2)Of Triton by Anna Banks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love it,I love it; third is do freaking funny and keeps me all over interested all the time I practically ate the book, if not because I need time to do other things,I would never have separated my hands from the book, and I didn't do that since a very long time ago.
Ok, it's a story about mermaids, well sure as, from Latin I guess, beast in Spanish is sirenas , that is exactly the same meaning as mermaids. Oh anyway, the story is totally directed to young adults, full of fantasy and teen love, but I kind of enjoyed the little twists over here and there to spice it up, like being put unconscious under chloroform by your own mother, being deceived for your friend pretending to be hurt by a shot made for your mother in order to stop your car and come to check on her and of course finding out that talking to freaking whales and sharks was also very helping.
Besides we always get females heroine when it's come to mermaids stories, so reading about males... Is do much interesting.
So yeah, as I said before I would pick this book anytime to read under any circumstance.
It really makes your mind wanders around a world of fantasy.

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