domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2015

Updating Blog

If you're  a frequent visitor around my blog, you'd realize that there are some new things that I'm adding to the place...such as: 

The Book's playlist...which would take me awhile to develop into something bigger, 'cause not all the books have their playlist or they even mention some songs at all, so it'll go growing up as I'm reading. XD

You can also find inside of Authors a little BIO with some basic data and the mention of some books written for the very author as their social media. (I'd try to put it in order, but you can use it from the very post of authors)

And also, I'll be adding a new section dedicated to News, excerpts, teasers and anything related with the latest news posted by the authors themselves so you (WE) can always be updated about our favorite books and authors. 

Oh, right don't forget to check out my G+ profile where you can fin an Album of sexy book covers ( that I hope to be adding to the blog in a very nea future. XD)

So, thanks for passing by & as always a pleasure talking to you guys! Love to hear from you too, as well. 

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